Welcome to SHIBUkai Karate Gold Coast

We are a family run and family orientated only traditional Shotokan karate dojo on the Gold Coast. We aim to educate the community in essential life skill for self defence and foster a caring and kind community that allows families to prosper, learn and grow, and allow interested students to become high-performing athletes.


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松濤館流空手道 琉球古武道 志武会 

We Are Shibukai Karate Gold Coast

Gold Coast’s #1 karate school

We are Gold Coast’s leading martial arts school teaching traditional Shotokan Karate and Okinawan Ryukyu Kobudo classes.

Our focus is on teaching martial arts as a means of self-defence.  In doing so, we are training the body to be healthy, and the mind and spirit to be patient, to become the best human beings we can be across all aspects of our everyday lives. Traditional Karate training is not always easy, and if we can overcome obstacles inside the dojo, we can develop a strong character to help us outside the dojo. We welcome all young and old to expirience our Karate. We have a no obligation trial to see why were voted the best on the Gold Coast year after year by students, parents and the community at large.

Dhanesh Walatara

With over 30 years of experience teaching traditional Karate, Dhanesh Sensei has taught 100’s of students, Shotokan Karate over the years on the Gold Coast. Dhanesh Sensei commenced his Karate journey at 13 years old to address his personal issues of bullying, and was subsequently trained by various, quality Japanese Instructors, including but not limited to O’Sensei Shihan Wataru Okawa, Sihan Hirotaka Fukuda, and O’Sensei Takeharu Kawamoto.  

Dhanesh Walatara – Kancho

6 Dan – Shotokan Karate / 1 Dan Ryukyu Kobudo
Shibukai Karate Gold Coast

In 2021, O’Sensei Shihan Takeharu Kawamoto bestowed the highest qualification and teaching status to Dhanesh Sensei.  The highest award he had given to any of his students. He formally recognised Dhanesh Walatara Sensei as a teacher of teachers and bestowed the status of Shihan.

Shibukai Karate

Dhanesh Walatara Sensei, is an official under Karate Australia, with Shibukai Karate being one of only two Karate Schools on the Gold Coast that is officially recognised and acreditted with Karate Australia. A Qualified National Kata and Kumite judge, Dhanesh sensei continues to develop and train the highest caliber of Karate-ka on the Gold Coast, with many of his students, past and present, achieving the title of State, National and World Champion.

Karate Athletes at competition
Family karate class
Karate competition win


Martial arts can be a lifelong journey, so choosing the right karate school is essential. At Shibukai Karate, we:

Accredited karate instructors from Japan

Have the only instructors on the Gold Coast who are accredited in Japan and in Australia. Our Instructors are equiped with the knowledge and skill in teaching all ages, young and old. Teaching you the correct most authentic Shotokan Karate as taught in Japan. 

Karate athlete overseas

Offer opportunities for students to compete domestically in State and National competitions and also give opportunity to compete internationally. Shibukai Karate is one of the only Shotokan Karate schools on the Gold Coast that has the ability to give this opportunity. 

Karate competition AKF

Are affiliated with the recognised national sports bodies such as the Karate Queensland, Karate Australia, and also the only school that is recognised and affiliated to the Australian Federation of Traditional Karate and Kobudo.

Australian Karate Federation member

Are fully insured, trained in child protection, and use the most up-to-date coaching principles and methodologies recommended and endorsed by Karate Queensland and the AFTK. You and your family will learn how to defend yourself and get learn to build self confidence  

Shibukai Karate Gold Coast IN THE NEWS



It’s important to stay positive, and look forward. Challenges are ahead, but our age of digital technology is really presenting some interesting opportunities to explore. Throughout COVID-19 restrictions we delivered;

  • Regular online Karate & Kobudo Classes
  • Private Classes
  • Sessions from awesome guest instructors